Transition Planning

For over 33 years, the Whitehall Group has been servicing middle-market privately held manufacturing companies. We have served bankers, lawyers, accountants, private equity firms, business owners, OEMs, and suppliers with a goal of helping them transition from their current business situation to one that is more suitable for the future.
What does that mean? One organization may need to create a succession plan for retirement. Another must consider how to reorganize their top leadership upon someone’s departure. Another may wish to make a contingency or emergency preparedness plan in case of an unexpected event. Yet another may wish to sell the business, merge with another corporation, or consolidate offices.
Business transition needs run the gamut depending on multiple factors, and we are here to help you identify what you need, how to plan for it, and how to prepare for the unexpected.
With the pandemic finally winding down and the economy getting back to somewhat of a normal situation, the true effects of this pandemic on businesses is starting to show. Some businesses have thrived through this environment, while others have failed and closed. PPP monies have helped those in the middle, but the real victims are the privately held middle-market companies.